Cut Energy Bills With Efficient Lighting Strategies

Upgrading the lighting in your home not only elevates your space; it also provides an excellent opportunity to trim down your electric bill. You might need to invest some money upfront to convert to new types of lighting, but it will pay off in the long run with lower energy costs and the longer lifespans associated with new types of lighting. Improve the lighting in your home while cutting energy costs with a few simple strategies.

Switch Up to More Efficient Light Bulbs

LED light bulbs have come a long way in various shapes, sizes, colors, and brightness levels. LED bulbs remain cool during operation, use up to 80% less energy, and have a longer lifespan than incandescent bulbs. They save money not only on your monthly electric bill but also on bulb replacement costs over time.

LED bulbs are also brighter, so you can choose a lower wattage, which uses less energy while keeping the same brightness level in your home. If you’re looking for new light fixtures, choose lamps and other lighting accessories with the ENERGY STAR label. These fixtures are designed to use less energy and can help you cut your monthly energy use even more.

Put Lighting on Auto-Pilot

Even with more efficient bulbs and light fixtures, leaving the lights on in empty areas uses more energy. Consider installing motion sensors in areas that only need light periodically, such as the garage, outdoor patios, and side yards. You can also use light fixtures that work on timers, so they only come on at night and stay off during the day.

Another way to manage lighting effectively is through the use of smart devices. Plug your lights into smart plugs and use apps or other smart devices to control them remotely, set timers, or add motion-sensing capabilities to optimize lighting usage based on your family’s daily routines.

Go Natural

You can reduce the energy used by lighting when you take advantage of the natural light in your home. During the day, open your blinds and curtains instead of using lights. If you want to maintain privacy, consider replacing opaque curtains with sheer versions that allow additional light to come inside during the day. If you are in the mood for a more significant project, consider adding a skylight in strategic places such as a windowless bathroom or the kitchen to reduce the need for electric lighting.

New Habits

Educate your family on the cost of leaving lights on when not in use and encourage them to turn off lights when leaving the room. Additionally, consider purchasing light fixtures with built-in dimmer switches or installing dimmer switches to control outlets. Using lights with lower intensity is another easy way to cut your monthly energy bill.

Your Home’s Future Looks Bright With New Lighting

Incorporating these new lighting upgrades into your home brightens your surroundings while providing an essential step toward a more cost-effective and energy-efficient lifestyle. At Chamberlain, we take pride in the service offered to our clients in the Jonesboro, AR area, and our expert electricians can provide several strategies to upgrade your lighting and cut down your energy bills.

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