Baby toddler reaches into the electrical outlet on the home wall with his hand. Danger and protection of child fingers from electric shock

How to Keep Your Home Safe: Outlet Safety 101

Keeping your home safe from potential hazards is an important part of home ownership. Outlet safety is key to keeping your family safe from electrical injuries, fires, and other potential dangers. Here are 10 ways to avoid accidents and dangerous situations when it comes to your outlets.

1. Use Tamper-Resistant Outlets

Tamper-resistant outlets prevent children and adults from electrical shock. These outlets are made in spring-loaded covers that must be pressed in simultaneously to insert a plug.

2. Cover Unused Outlets

If you have outlets that you’re not using, you should cover them up. Covering unused outlets prevents children from sticking their fingers or objects into the outlet, which can cause electrical shock.

3. Install GFCI Outlets in Wet Areas

GFCI is a special type of outlet designed for wet areas. These outlets automatically shut off the power if there is a current leakage, preventing electric shock.

4. Replace Damaged Outlets

If you find any damaged outlets or exposed wires, you should replace them immediately. Damaged outlets can be a fire hazard and may cause electric shock.

5. Be Careful With Extension Cords

Extension cords may transmit power to areas where outlets are unavailable. However, it’s important to be careful when using extension cords. Make sure that the cord is not overloaded and is in good condition.

6. Don’t Overload Outlets

Ensure you don’t overload outlets with too many plugs. This can cause cords to overheat and create a fire hazard.

7. Unplug Appliances When not in Use

Remember to unplug appliances when not in use. This prevents them from overheating, which can create a fire hazard.

8. Use Surge Protectors

If you have electronics sensitive to power surges, we recommend using a surge protector. This helps protect your electronics from power surges and potential damage.

9. Inspect Cords Regularly

Inspecting cords regularly can help you detect any potential problems before they become a hazard. Check for any frayed or exposed wires, which can create a fire hazard.

10. Check Outlet Plates

Outlet plates can become loose over time, creating a potential fire hazard. Make sure to check and tighten any loose outlet plates.

Outlet safety is an important part of keeping your home safe. By following these tips, you can protect your family from electrical shock, fires, and other potential dangers. Inspect your outlets and cords regularly and replace any damaged or outdated outlets.

If you are a resident of Jonesboro, AR and unsure about any aspect of outlet safety, contact Chamberlain for qualified electrician services.

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